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OFFICE HOURS:  The school office is open on all school days from 7:30 AM to 4:00 PM.  


●    Parking is limited on school property; however, parking is available on the streets  surrounding the school.   
●    Parking in the school parking lots must be within the designated lines. Handicap parking spaces are restricted for those who have the proper permits.
●    Please do not block neighborhood driveways. Drop-off areas need to be free of parked cars at all times. 
●    When lining up for drop-off or pick-up prior to the start time, please start the line alongside the house so vehicles parked in the lot are not blocked. Pull forward at the start time of 7:30 AM or 2:30 PM.


After the beginning of class time, all visitors and volunteers must sign in at the school office and wear a visitor / volunteer badge. Visiting and volunteering must be pre-arranged with the classroom teacher and principal, the teacher will then notify the school office. 

Mount Saint Mary Academy complies with the attendance requirements of the State of New Hampshire. Students learn best with consistency and structure. Being in school every day provides that consistency. There are opportunities for school breaks and vacations.

We DO NOT encourage or support absences for vacations which depart from our calendar. We do not send homework or packets of materials to support family vacations outside of our published breaks. Students are responsible for making up all missed work upon return.
Tardy    - Students arriving late disrupt classroom instruction and the student misses important information.  Please make every effort to be on time. Students will be marked tardy if they arrive later than the beginning of class time. Students in grades K-6, who are tardy, must report to the administrative assistant to get a tardy slip.

Absences  - Parents must call the school (623-3155 extension 102) no later than 8:00 AM to report a student’s absence. Elementary students are responsible for getting all missed class and home assignments from peers or from their teacher. If a test is missed, the student must arrange a time with his/her teacher to make up that test

                                                                           BEFORE CARE PROGRAM

There is a Before Care program that supervises students starting at 7:00 AM.  The cost is $35.00 a week.  The program is limited to 20 students. This may be added to your FACTS payment plan.


Doors open for all students at 7:30 AM and all students go directly to their assigned classrooms. 
Class begins at 8:00 AM

Arrival of Preschool – Pre-Kindergarten 
●    Entrance between 7:30 AM and 8:00 AM 
●    Class begins promptly at 8:00 AM 
●     Half day class dismisses promptly at 12:00 PM 
●     Full day class dismisses at 2:30 PM

Arrival of Grades Kindergarten through Sixth 
●     Entrance between 7:30 AM and 8:00 AM 
●     Classes begin promptly at 8:00 AM 
●     Classes dismiss promptly at 2:30 PM    


Preschool and Pre-K students are dismissed at the Carpenter Street exit at 12:00 PM or 2:30 PM.

Students in grades K-6 are dismissed at the lower school entrance on Elm Street at 2:30 PM. Parents should not block the entrance or the exit to the parking lot.

Parents of students in grades K-6 may either park on Elm Street, walk into the yard to meet their child, or join the loop of cars picking up students. Students who are not picked up within 5 minutes of class dismissal will be sent to the office. If a family member or friend is picking up your child, please send a note to school indicating the person’s full name and relationship to you. For the safety and well-being of your child, that individual will be asked to present a photo I.D. Students will not be released into the care of an individual who has not been previously approved by a parent. One note at the beginning of the school year is sufficient.

Students who live within walking distance may walk home at dismissal time.  A note at the beginning of the school year needs to be put on file in the school office.


Students living in Manchester are eligible to use city buses as a means of transportation to and from school according to city bus regulations. Contact the school office for more information. 
Taking the bus to and/or from school is a privilege. Students who abuse this privilege will have it taken away from them. Students are to conduct themselves on the school bus as they would in school. Students who are not eligible for busing are prohibited from riding the buses. Alternative transportation arrangements must be made if your student, who takes the bus, wishes to have friends go home with him or her.


If a parent is requesting an early dismissal, a written note or a phone notification to either the teacher or the administrative assistant is required. The parent or authorized adult will come to the office and the student will be called from the classroom to the office to be dismissed. Early dismissals scheduled by the school will be at 11:30 AM for all grades.  Please refer to the school calendar for a list of early dismissals. Preschool through grade six. The regular dismissal procedures will be followed.


Preschool through grade six may utilize the After-School Program as needed for an additional fee. The program operates from 2:30 PM to 5:30 PM. Parents are expected to pick students up no later than 5:30 PM.  
Students being picked up later than 5:30 PM will be assessed a late fee should it become habitual. See fee schedule for full and part-time costs.

All students will be dismissed directly from class to the After-School Program. Students taking classes at Manchester Community Music School will be dismissed from the After-School Program to their music class. A parent picking up his/her child from the After-School Program will ring the doorbell and announce who they are. One of the adults on duty will open the door and direct you to where the child can be picked up.


In the event of severe weather conditions Mount Saint Mary Academy will follow the Manchester School District's decision on school closure, delayed openings or early dismissals through:

●    WMUR
●    School Alert notification by 6:00 AM

In the case of a two-hour delayed opening, the school doors will open at 9:30AM for all students. Class will begin at 10:00AM


Mount Saint Mary Academy has an allergy protocol in place to protect students with ingestion and contact allergies.  All staff are made aware of existing allergies schoolwide and the student’s classroom is considered a safe zone (allergen free depending on the allergen).

We have an allergen free table designated in the cafeteria for students in need. They may have friend/s join them after their lunch has been checked for allergens...      

Students are responsible for washing their hands prior to snack time and lunch, cleaning their lunch table after eating, and disposing of any trash into the appropriate containers. The school has a five-day lunch program that is offered to all students. Healthy snacks should be carefully selected and sent in from home daily.


Students will be given 1 or 2 recesses during the day, depending on grade level. Students are not allowed to leave the play area for any reason unless authorized by an adult and accompanied by another student. Any rough contact, bullying or inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated. In the event of inclement weather, students will have recess indoors. 



Our school uniform is worn by all students from Preschool through Grade Six. Students must wear the standard school uniforms detailed in the matrix, unless otherwise stated by the administration for special days. The dress code is in effect from the first day of school to the week before school ends in June.

The providers of our school uniform are Tommy Hilfiger and Land’s End. Contact information for these companies is located on our website. The school also has a uniform swap room that can be accessed upon request. Donations are welcomed and  go to school scholarship programs.


●    Jumpers, skirts and shorts should fall 2 - 3” above, at, or below the knee.
●    Shorts may be worn before October 1 and after May 1 unless otherwise determined by administration. 
●    HAIR: Hair should be clean, neat and not a distraction. Students cannot come to school with an eccentric hairstyle or hair that is dyed with an artificial color scheme; for example, red, yellow, green, blue, purple, multicolored or otherwise, tints or tips. With the exception of a “Silly-Hair Day” or otherwise fun-day approved by a teacher or administration.
●    SHOES: Solid colored sneakers or dress shoes may be worn. Approved colors are black, brown, white or gray. Shoes should fit securely and have proper soles. No backless shoes, crocs, or flip-flops are to be worn. Winter boots may be swapped out at school. 
●    ACCESSORIES & JEWELRY: Hair accessories, nail polish and jewelry should not be a distraction and kept to a minimum. Earrings should be no larger than a quarter (size). Excessive make-up and fingernail tips are not allowed. Hats are not to be worn inside the school. 
●    Non-uniform sweaters, hoodies, sweatshirts or jackets are not to be worn in the classroom.
●    MSMA Merchandise aka “Mount-Wear” such as logo’d tees and sweatshirts are acceptable for gym days and dress down days.
●    Teachers and administration reserve the right to alter the dress code and make final judgment on what is acceptable.