Weekly News: April 30, 2023

May 1, 2023


Dear Families: Welcome Back- we cannot wait to see everyone tomorrow! Lots of things happened while we were on break last week. If you drove past the school, our parking lots were paved and look amazing. It is the frosting on the cake after our “Earth Day” clean-up on April 22. We thank the volunteers for that clean up day. So many parents, students and staff turned out to help us give The Mount a clean and fresh new look!

Our Read-A-Thon concluded and I am so proud of our two top readers, Oriyus in Kindergarten and Kennedy in Gr I. And our Top classroom winner was Mrs Reed, Gr I, Second Place was Mrs Ranya in Kindergarten, and tied for Third Place was Mrs Hudson in Gr 4 and Ms Grant in Gr 2.

We raised over $2,200 as of yesterday and it officially closes May 6 so a few more days to add up those reading minutes!

This week we will be holding our well advertised “Fun Run” On May 3 and heading to Stark Park at 8:30am returning around 10:30am. Snacks are welcome! Children may wear their Gym clothes and sneakers. Please send back the permission slip sent home by teachers. We still could use some parent volunteers- let your classroom teacher know if you can join us. Thank you!

The Mother’s Day Brunch on May 12 has a sign-up genius on our website. Please join us if you can.

The Father/Daughter Dance- May 12 from 6:30-8:30 will be an exciting evening and many have signed up already. Check the calendar on the website and sign up so we can anticipate numbers. Our new Food Service Company, Celebrations, will be catering the event as a gift to us. We look forward to working with them in the Fall as we say farewell and thank you to Athena Bevan as she takes on a new adventure!

Progress Reports will be going home this Tuesday, May 2.

It’s very busy at our school as we enter the home stretch. Our enrollment continues to be excellent with more families touring our school every day. Thank you for your recommendations.

We look forward to seeing our students tomorrow and hearing all about their exciting week off.


Dr Kirk

@saint_academy on Twitter



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