Weekly Update: March 25, 2023

March 25, 2023

Dear Families:

Our staff had a busy day yesterday during PD. Catching up with the next three months of school and blending new goals with rituals in place is our focus. I asked them to walk our building and get back to me with “sprucing up for Spring” initiatives. Our Room parents are asking to launch a day of service for families and student to coincide with Earth Day, April 22. We have many ways to update our building, both inside and out! Stay tuned.

As you know, we have a particular emphasis on fostering Literacy at our school. I am happy to announce that we will be holding a Read-A-Thon, April 10th-24th, for students in Kindergarten- Grade 6. Monday, the teachers will be sending home the directions for parents to initiate their student page and then watch them read and calculate the minutes. It’s simple and fun! Prizes and a fun competition across each grade!

Tomorrow is the Manchester St Patrick’s Day Parade. We are in section “white” and step off is at Noon. Parents need to accompany their children and students need to be in dress uniform. Please be in line by 11:45am. I sent the details already- this is just a reminder.

This Monday from 10:00-11:00am is another Open House for potential new families. We have toured many families over the past few weeks. Thank you for spreading the word about our school.

Friday, March 29, our three basketball teams will be celebrating their wonderful season with a game between parents and players and a pizza party! Ms. Smillie sent out a sign-up genius for your participation and donation. Should be fun!

I would like to remind parents that there is no use of cell phones during the school day. While I acknowledge that you may wish to track students walking to and from school, if you have to get a message to them during the school day, please call the office and we will gladly communicate that to the teacher/child. That also applies to iWatches with cellular service. Students should not be texting during the school day- they need to be focused on school work. Thank you!

April 5 at 8:30am is our Easter program. Parents and families are welcome to attend!

Keep checking our website and calendar for updates, etc.

Thank you for all you do to support our school. It is a true partnership and we could not do it without you!

Have a great rest of your weekend!


Dr. Kirk

Head of School

